Saturday 31 August 2019

Gui fei Bao Testimony


Tuesday 20 August 2019

Am not Pregnant But No Period- AMENORRHOEA Solution Pack



Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation — one or more missed menstrual periods. Women who have missed at least three menstrual periods in a row have amenorrhea, as do girls who haven't begun menstruation by age 15.


Amenorrhea can occur for a variety of reasons. Some are normal during the course of a woman's life, while others may be a side effect of medication or a sign of a medical problem.

Sanging oral cleanse the system
Guifeibao cleanses uterus and balance homones
Aloe gel used with guifeibao to activate active ingredient
Blood cleanser work on the blood vessels and channel


CAUTION Atherosclerosis Can Be A Big WAHALA

Atherosclerosis Solution Pack

Atherosclerosis is a slow progressive disease that may begin as early as childhood. It is a process in which blood, fats such as cholesterol and other substances build up on artery walls. Don’t forget arteries are blood vessels that carry blood from the heart throughout the whole body. They are lined up by a thin layer of cells called *endothelium*. The endothelium works to keep the inside of the arteries toned and smooth which keeps blood flowing. 
Once the endothelium is damaged, blood cells, cholesterol  and other substances often clump at the injury site which may harden or narrow the arteries or even cause a blood clot preventing blood flow to the connected organs making them not to function properly. A blood clot can also travel to other parts of the body blocking blood flow to another organ. 
You won’t usually have atherosclerosis symptoms until an artery is so narrowed or clogged that it cannot supply adequate blood to your organs or tissue
πŸ‘‰ High blood pressure
πŸ‘‰ High cholesterol
πŸ‘‰ High triglycerides, a type of fat (lipid) in your blood
πŸ‘‰ Smoking and other sources of tobacco
πŸ‘‰ Insulin resistance
πŸ‘‰ Obesity or diabetes
πŸ‘‰ Inflammation from diseases such as arthritis,lupus or infection.
The symptoms of atherosclerosis depend on which artery is blocked.
1. Heart- symptoms such as chest pain ( angina pectoris ) or pressure may occur
2. Brain- sudden numbness or weakness in arms and legs, difficulty speaking or slurred speech, drooping muscles in the face e.t.c. These signal a transient ischemic attack ( TIA ) , which if left untreated may progress to stroke.
3. Arms & Legs – symptoms of peripheral artery disease such as leg pain when walking ( claudication). 
4. Arteries leading to the kidney can cause a high blood pressure or kidney failure.

Other factors that increases the risk of atherosclerosis include:
πŸ‘‰ A family history of early heart disease.
πŸ‘‰ Lack of exercise.
πŸ‘‰ An unhealthy diet.

Early diagnosis and treatment can stop atherosclerosis from worsening and prevent a heart attack, stroke or another medical emergency.


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Monday 19 August 2019

FOHOW Luiwei Cha Tea - product

Six Flavor Herbal Tea
FOHOW Luiwei Cha Tea
₦ 4,800.00
Product Function:

  1. Helps in digestion.☕
  2. Boosts immunity.☕
  3. Improve blood circulation.☕
  4. Effective treatment of sore throat.☕
  5. Obesity.☕
  6. Respiratory diseases.☕
  7. Cancer and blurred vision.☕


Good Health from Drinking Good Tea

Its made up of six herbal plants-  pu'erh tea (more than three years aged), astragalus mongholicus, salviae miltiorrhizae, pentapanax leschenaultii, chrysanthemum, honeysuckle.
Fohow LIUWEI CHA is the result of the team effort and long unremitting endeavor of experts from the Fohow Research Institute for Health Preservation. This mix of six herbal plants fits the Chinese theory of “ drug and diet".
The six herbal plants are combined in particular proportions and then processed with modern technical means. The tea tastes smooth and sweet and is a good choice for health preservation in daily life.
Regular drinking of the Fohow LIUWEI CHA is beneficial for digestion, rejuvenating blood and dispersing stagnation, heat-clearing and detoxifying, maintaining beauty and youth, reducing blood pressure and lipids, tonifying Qi and encouraging cleansing urination to achieve the goal of health preservation.

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FOHOW Ares Longlu Capsule - Product

Ares Longlu Capsule



Six effects of Long Lu Capsule:
  1. To nourish kidney and replenish essence and improve life quality 😍
  2. To activate kidney and consolidate yang as well as restore the vitality 😍
  3. To nourish kidney and activate brain with anti-aging effects😍
  4. To promote physical fitness and prevent disease😍
  5. To nourish blood and regulate menstruation and harmonize hormones😍
  6. To warm kidney and uterus and promote conception😍
Characteristics of Long Lu Capsule: It has the effects of nourishing Qi and kidney and enriching the vitality as well as energetic spirit. Its unique multi-target effects can activate the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis system, so that the amount of stored sperm and egg reserves doubled, which increase the hope of infertility of male Yang deficiency and female uterine cold. It can comprehensively regulate the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney, so that the body can gain regular self-renewal and self-replication to restore vital Qi and quickly convert sub-heath into healthy state.

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FOHOW Sanitary Pad - product

Sanitary Pad

Resina draconis, rheum officinale, fructus cnidii, sophora flavescens, flos carthami, cortex pseudolaricis. dried alum, cutch, borax.

  1. Employing anions, far-infrared rays and silver nano-particles, this product fights bacteria in a masterful manner. ❤️
  2. It has a wide ranging potency and is surprisingly effective in relieving some chronic, difficult and baffling diseases. ❤️
  3. It is safe, contains no poisonous substances and, having no interaction with drugs.❤️
  4. It can play a beneficial complementary role in healthcare.❤️
  5. The pads can improve metabolism, balance the ph value in the body, increase the content of oxygen and restore the activity of reactive oxygen.❤️
  6. It enhances physiological activity in the body; it promotes the compounding and storage of vitamins, and the recovery and regeneration of impaired cells.❤️
  7. It effectively constrains the growth of various bacteria.❤️
  8. It expels harmful bodily wastes, reducing the burden of the kidneys.❤️
  9. It promotes blood circulation, and has the efficacy of speeding the process of diminishing inflammation, decreasing swelling and relieving pain. ❤️ 

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FOHOW Princess Pearl - GUI FEI BAO - Product

FOHOW GUI FEI BAO PRINCESS PEARL     ₦ 8,000.00 πŸ’‘ Solves gynecological issues like 🌿 πŸ’» πŸ’• Infection / STD πŸ’• Female...

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