Tuesday 20 August 2019

CAUTION Atherosclerosis Can Be A Big WAHALA

Atherosclerosis Solution Pack

Atherosclerosis is a slow progressive disease that may begin as early as childhood. It is a process in which blood, fats such as cholesterol and other substances build up on artery walls. Don’t forget arteries are blood vessels that carry blood from the heart throughout the whole body. They are lined up by a thin layer of cells called *endothelium*. The endothelium works to keep the inside of the arteries toned and smooth which keeps blood flowing. 
Once the endothelium is damaged, blood cells, cholesterol  and other substances often clump at the injury site which may harden or narrow the arteries or even cause a blood clot preventing blood flow to the connected organs making them not to function properly. A blood clot can also travel to other parts of the body blocking blood flow to another organ. 
You won’t usually have atherosclerosis symptoms until an artery is so narrowed or clogged that it cannot supply adequate blood to your organs or tissue
👉 High blood pressure
👉 High cholesterol
👉 High triglycerides, a type of fat (lipid) in your blood
👉 Smoking and other sources of tobacco
👉 Insulin resistance
👉 Obesity or diabetes
👉 Inflammation from diseases such as arthritis,lupus or infection.
The symptoms of atherosclerosis depend on which artery is blocked.
1. Heart- symptoms such as chest pain ( angina pectoris ) or pressure may occur
2. Brain- sudden numbness or weakness in arms and legs, difficulty speaking or slurred speech, drooping muscles in the face e.t.c. These signal a transient ischemic attack ( TIA ) , which if left untreated may progress to stroke.
3. Arms & Legs – symptoms of peripheral artery disease such as leg pain when walking ( claudication). 
4. Arteries leading to the kidney can cause a high blood pressure or kidney failure.

Other factors that increases the risk of atherosclerosis include:
👉 A family history of early heart disease.
👉 Lack of exercise.
👉 An unhealthy diet.

Early diagnosis and treatment can stop atherosclerosis from worsening and prevent a heart attack, stroke or another medical emergency.


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